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Öffnungszeiten der Hotels Openingtimes of the hotels
DolceVita Luxury Resort Preidlhof
29.01.21 - 28.11.21
DolceVita Hotel Jagdhof
20.03.21 - 21.11.21
Lifestyle DolceVita Resort Lindenhof
04.03.21 - 12.12.21 & 26.12.21 - 09.01.22
Feldhof DolceVita Resort
18.03.20 - 21.11.20 & 26.12.21 - 09.01.22
DolceVita Alpiana Resort
19.03.21 - 07.12.21 & 26.12.21 - 09.01.22

Healthy sleep at the hotel in South Tyrol

Wellness while you are sleeping at the DolceVita Hotels

Healthy sleep at the DolceVita Hotels – your room in South Tyrol provides space for your dreams: sophisticated cosiness and modern comfort merge to harmonic unity in the rooms of the Dolce Vita Hotels.


Sleeping in your room in South Tyrol is not only relaxing but also keeps you young: your body starts a regeneration
programme around an hour after you have fallen asleep. During the deep sleep stage your body regenerates, breaks down pollutants, renews cells and detoxes. However, this beauty sleep can be disrupted by unsuitable mattresses. The Dolce Vita Hotels in the Vinschgau District know how to prevent this.

Your Room at Dolce Vita Hotels South Tyrol The Perfect Pillow for the perfect Sleep Sleep well at your Dolce Vita Hotel

The perfect pillow for blissful
sleep in your room in South Tyrol

Pillow parade: Select from 14 as organic certified pillows plus a special medical pillow the perfect pillow for a good night’s sleep at your hotel in South Tyrol:

Stone Pine Pillow: 
Guarantees restful sleep in your room in South Tyrol. Stone pine wood shavings, millet seeds, and St. John's wort will help you relax in case of any tensions. Perfectly suited for children. Choose from 14 certified organic pillows during your holidays at one of the Dolce Vita Hotels in South Tyrol:

Relaxation pillow:
this pillow is made of sheep's wool, which absorbs and neutralises the metabolic products issued by your body in your sleep. Stinging nettle, lavender and hops help with sleep disturbances. A combination of rose petals and herbs is especially soothing and relaxing.

Love pillow:
Horse hair, stinging nettle seeds, fennel, rose petals and musk petals - an aphrodisiac herbal mix!

Mediterranean pillow:
Kapok, lavender, rosemary, thyme, lemongrass and orange petals. Kapok keeps you warm, is antibacterial and allows your skin to breathe. The fragrant Mediterranean scents will make your sleep even more refreshing.

Spelt-neck-crescent pillow:
Spelt is especially useful in the case of tension in the musculature of your head, neck and shoulders. It increases blood circulation and soothes cramps and rheumatic tensions.

Spelt-neck-roll pillow:
Spelt allows your skin to breathe; a soothing, relaxing delight.

Cherry seed pillow:
Cherry seeds are effective against cramps, colics, pain or simple cold feet. Cold-treatment (cool in the freezer for 60 minutes before applying the pillow to the painful spot) for strained muscles.

Energy pillow:
Spelt, millet peel, buckwheat peel, oat straws, horsetail, peppermint; this energetic mix will strengthen your metabolism.

Buckwheat-vein pillow:
Buckwheat improves blood circulation. This wedge-shaped pillow is especially beneficial in the case of problems with blood vessels, circulatory disturbances and tired legs. Relax in your room at one of Dolce Vita Hotels in South Tyrol.

Relaxation pillow:
Melissa, hop cones, lavender, valerian - a precious combination of herbs for your deep relaxation.

Herbal sleeping pillow:
Spelt, melissa, hop, lavender and St. John's wort. The perfect herbal mix for sleepy heads.

Grapeseed pillow:
The natural warmth of grape seeds is beneficial in the case of circulatory disturbances, tensions and rheumatic afflictions. Soothing effect in the case of migraine, headache and toothache, strained muscles and irritations of the eyes.

Beewax propolis pillow:
Propolis is one of the strongest natural antibiotics. Propolis has antibacterial, antiviral and antimycotic properties. Beewax strengthens the metabolism.

Mountain herb pillow:
Local mountain herbs such as arnica, St. John's wort, chamomile, marigold and hayflower have a cooling effect. These herbs have healing properties, enhance your stamina and support muscle regeneration.

Best pillow:
The stable and organic shape of the pillow will sooth tensions in the neck and back, and have a beneficial effect in the case of problems with the invertebral discs, lumbago, migraine and snoring.

Blissful sleep in your room in South Tyrol

There are far more amenities than pillows waiting for you at your Dolce Vita Hotel in South Tyrol, ensuring your refreshing sleep:

Better Sleep Basket
With reading material, travel diary, relaxation music, fine fragrances, sleep mask and dreamcatcher.

Tea menu
With teas from organic certified cultivation: enjoy tea specialities from the Vinschgau District.

Wellness mattress toppers
For wellbeing and relaxing sleep with peat, willow bark, wool/Swiss pine, yak hair/musk filling.

The Dolce Vita wellness pros at the hotels in South Tyrol are delighted to provide advice about healthy and relaxing sleep. Send a non-binding booking request or even an online booking and look forward to relaxing nights and sweet dreams in your room in South Tyrol.

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