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A Perfect Gift: Holidays in South Tyrol

Surprise your loved ones with gift vouchers from the Dolce Vita Hotels. What could be a better proof of affection than a gift you would love to receive yourself? Give away a present that will make you happy!
Gift vouchers: Holidays in South Tyrol
Try the fantastic products of the BERG cosmetics line during your holiday. Do not forget your friends - they will be delighted by gift vouchers from the Dolce Vita Hotels. Indulge in a wonderful spa treatment at the Dolce Vita wellness-paradise - wouldn't be holidays in one of the five Dolce Vita Hotels be exactly the right gift for the mother in law?
Holidays in South Tyrol - It's that easy
Choose a gift voucher suitable for the occasion for a loved one you would like to surprise. Why not inform the Dolce Vita team which treatment or offer you would like the gift voucher to be for? Please fill out all the boxes marked * carefully - to ensure the quick processing of your voucher order.